BigNum license
This document and the source code of the BigNum package bear the
marking "Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation & INRIA 1989"
This documentation, and the source code of the BigNum package may
be reproduced and distributed freely to non commercial usage provided
that the following conditions are respected:
- Digital PRL or INRIA should be notified of the copy.
- The original Copyright notice should not be removed from the
documentation or from the source code under any circumstances.
- Any work using the BigNum package should state explicitly the use
of such package, and its origin by including the following sentence:
This work uses the BigNum package developed jointly by INRIA an
Digital PRL.
- If any modification is applied to the BigNum package,
explicit statements should identify the fact that such modifications
have been made, by whom, and where. These statements should not be
removed in any further distribution.
- Any work using extensively the BigNum package should be freely
distributed under conditions similar to the distribution of the
BigNum package.
INRIA and Digital Equipment Corporation make no representations,
express or implicit, with
respect to this documentation or the software it describes, including
without limitations, any implied warranties of merchandability or
fitness for a particular purpose, all of which are expressly
disclaimed. INRIA and Digital Equipment Corporation or subsequent distributors
shall in no event
be liable for any indirect, incidental or consequential damages.
Last modified: Nov 06th, 2004 11:48